So far we've floated on our backs, floated on our tummies, passed her back and forth like a sack of potatoes, recited some very funny pool songs ("if you're happy and you know it get your tummy wet," you know, the classics), and even gone under water (twice). We are happy to report that all this has been tear-free and that we've seen more smiles than frowns.
I also mentioned some teeth. We're up to 3 (and a half) now! The first top tooth came in last week and the second one looks like it'll be shortly behind. Teething hasn't been super-fun, but overall not so bad this time around. All these teeth have also come with new responsibility (for all of us). First off, Mayzie is eating all kinds of new foods now. Fun things like bananas, avocado, these little rice puff things, bread, cheese, and sweet potatoes! If anyone has any fun ideas for new foods to try, let us know. Then there's the responsibility for us. We are not awesome at remembering to wipe those little chompers off, but hopefully that'll come with (not a lot) of time.
We also have a very mobile baby on our hands these days. Mayzie is crawling everywhere, trying to get into everything, and picking up a lot of dog hair as she does it. Unfortunately, dog hair isn't the only thing of Lincoln's she's picking up... she's also obsessed with his toys. It is like she has some sort of sonar on those things. Around corners, in the dark, doesn't really matter what the situation, if she can get there, she'll find one. One of my favorite things to do these days is watch her push a ball around the floor and chase it. She'll try to grab her ball, it'll roll away, she'll watch until it stops, then she'll go after it. Funny what amuses you when you have a baby.
Last, but not least, we have a bunch of snow here now! We got to take Mayzie out to sit in it on Sunday in her VERY cute little pink snowsuit from her Great Auntie Cyndi. We got some pictures, but they really don't do it justice.
And, for the one or two of you who care... here's a picture of Lincoln. (If you look close, Mayzie is in the background)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I'm sure I'll put some more pictures up soon, but hopefully we see most of you in person soon too.